See how the subject of eButik messages stands out from others thanks to the use of emoticons. domain report . Shipping template customization The results from the reports show that recipients are eager to open your messages Great! But let's be honest it is the number of clicks that directly proves the effectiveness of the mailing. report top domains report The number of opens is really impressive but the number of clicks is definitely less. What is the reason for this Having a significant part of recipients who use mobile devices you also need to take into account the specificity of these devices and the fact that they read an email in a completely different way than on a desktop.
Mobile recipients are used to fast action. One click and they can get to know the details of your offer. So how to take care of it First of all remember that each really each image should be linked. Secondly take care of your CTA. It should be easily accessible clickable and highly visible. . Matching shipments to Polish boxes Newsletter databases whatsapp mobile number list can be really very diverse. Have you ever noticed how many of your recipients use Polish mailboxes wp onet or interia and how many of them use Gmail or other foreign e mail programs You can check it in the report of the top domains in the campaign email campaign report The metrics you see above come from engagement campaigns with audiences that haven't opened a campaign in say a year. Note that the first four places are taken by Polish postal providers Grupa WP Grupa Onet Grupa o and Grupa Interia.
How to turn this information into better results and reach recipients who do not open the campaign The main challenge is to match the creation to Polish mailboxes e.g. by reducing the number of graphics that may not be displayed at all after opening the e mail. Some mail providers simply block the automatic download of images. Therefore do not forget about the ALTs under each graphic i.e. the texts that your recipients will see if they do not display the graphics. Thanks to this they will know what your campaign is about and will be more likely to click on the “download images” link. alt example . Campaign delivery In the top domains report the domains of Polish providers or Gmail are generally the majority. However when you have a B B database a large part of the recipients on it probably use addresses set up in company domains.
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